Can you please help to set up the sms template for my bank, HSBC, as follows.
Name: HSBC
Phone number: HSBC
Inward payment sms example:
Tai khoan/Account: 001****12345; +VND123,456,789; 02/03/2020. So du kha dung/Available Balance: VND123,456,789
Outward payment sms example:
Tai khoan/Account: 001****12345; -VND12,345,678; 28/02/2020. So du kha dung/Available Balance: VND123,456,789
I've tried to learn to set up sms templates myself for the above payments as below. But it could only work for inward payments. I don't understand why it could not work for outward payments?
Transaction type: auto +/-
Sms template:
Tai khoan/Account: %ACCOUNT% %SUM% * So du kha dung/Available Balance: *
Can you please help?
Thank you very much.