Alzex Finance for Mac OS, beta version is available now. You can download it here:

Open your existing database in iCloud, Dropbox or Google Drive and work with it. To sync data simply save the file (File - Save or cmd+S). Tap "Sync now" button in the mobile version of the app to update file in the cloud. Automatic sync doesn't work yet.
Available features:
- You can add, edit and delete transactions.
- Most cells in the table are editable.
- You can drag transactions to the category or split.
- You can drag an expense transaction into the income group and vice versa.
- Transaction window (popover) can be detached: simply drag it and OK and Cancel buttons will appear.
- Click on the table header (right mouse button) to show additional columns. Columns can be reordered as well.
- To add category simply enter its name in the correspoding fild in the transaction edit window.
- You can drag one category into another as well as transactions.
- Undo and redo function also available: menu - Edit - Undo or cmd+Z
Waiting for your feedback, bug reports and ideas!