I am an old user of Alzex Personal
Finance software (from 2010) and I'm very satisfied from it. I would like to
suggest two improvements:
[1] An option to delete descriptions
from the "description table". Since I am using the software, the
description table become full of describes that aren't relevant for me anymore.
I need to dilute the list. I required an
option to delete describes from its table and another option to replace deletes
describes that are registered on old financial actions with new and authentic describes.
[2] A warning
before disruption a successfully matching records: bank/ Finance
software. It happens usually by mistake, like when writing wrongly a new record,
or making an unintended modification of historical records in the software.
I required an option to confirm a successfully
matching records bank/ Finance software. Then, any action
coming after that confirm that change the matching - will display an alert before confirm the record or close the software. .